Stroller Strides
0Looking for a fun new way to get in your work out and incorporate your kids at the same time? Stroller Strides in Maple Valley might be the answer!
Classes are offered at The Lake Wilderness Lodge Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays @9:30 AM. Tuesday and Thursdays in Covington. “The Best things about these classes are the ability to get a good workout in with your children right there with you getting the benefits of seeing fitness modeled for them. Classes are high energy and fun for all fitness levels. I also like the support the moms offer each other and the friendships made by the moms and the kids,” says Julie Fain (an instructor who teaches M/W/F).
Stroller Strides in the Maple Valley area can be found on the web at Contact franchise owner Kristy at or 206 498 7955 to set up a FREE trial class.