What is One Thing You Could Change About Maple Valley?
5We know we all love Maple Valley, here. So this is a safe place.
We recently polled our Facebook fans and Twitter followers on that question:
If You Could Change One Thing About Maple Valley, What Would It Be?
Here’s what they said:
I kind of like it the way it is. Maybe add a theater?
I’d add a Trader Joe’s (and I’d be happy to exchange the Grocery Outlet for it).
Unique shops and store fronts. Also, a city that supports the locally owned small businesses that are currently here by allowing them to put a simple sign near the street to let us know they are there!
That we would have complete support for school funding
To have a real “downtown” with unique shops and restaurants and walkable areas to create a greater community feeling. That, and a Target.
A YMCA or Community Center with gym space, weights and a POOL!
A safe walk/bike lane along Witte Rd, Kent-Kangley, and extend the path between 4-corners and the Farmer’s Market (aka Rock Creek Elem)
A comic book shop.
We had a bunch posted on our Cash Mobs page as well….one issue we have is that a large portion of our community leaves every day so it is hard for businesses to move in when they are not guaranteed large income during the day
In & Out Burgers!
Also, someone on Twitter recommended a Jimmy Johns!
Comment and let us know what you would change about Maple Valley.
I’d bring back Presti’s! Miss that place, old MV classic.
Thanks for your input!
I would stop the building of any more Subways! Three is enough!
Sonic. A bbq place that makes good bbq. More places that deliver (not more pizza places).
One more vote for a theater. I’ll vote twice for no more Subways. Also, no more banks or dentist offices. The dentists shouldn’t outnumber the teeth,
A Dog Park